Family reunion 2025

Welcome to the Sarvela family reunion on Saturday, July 12, 2025 at Scandic Nokia Eden, Finland, starting at 11 a.m.

Registration and payments by April 13, 2025. 

Registration is done by filling in the information below and paying the participation fee to the family association's account. More information about payment options:

NOTE! Contact information is not stored in the register, but is only used for possible contact regarding the reunion. Information marked with an asterisk is mandatory.

Finally, press "Send" button.

Participation fee: 60 EUR/person. Children age 2-12 years old 30 EUR/person.


We are looking for performers (musicians, singers, etc.) for the reunion. If you have a performer in your family, please let us know here. We'll be in touch before the reunion.


NOTE: New family history book "Matti Heikinpoika Sarven jälkeläisiä (1728-2024)" is available at price 60 EUR/book. You can place an order if you wish. You'll receive the book(s) with you at the reunion. You can pay either in advance (contact: or at the reunion (cash/credit card).


If you would like to order Sarvela T-shirt, you can let us know here. The T-shirts are printed according to the orders and can be picked up at the party. You can pay either in advance (contact: or at the reunion (cash/credit card).

See the model. Sizes (S-5XL) 15 EUR/T-shirt.



  • You can bring old photos to the family history table for display or identification.
  • Prizes are needed for the raffle, so you can bring those too.
  • Book your accommodation directly with the hotel. Use the promo code "EVNT".